Room Hire Charges



The charges for hiring rooms depend on whether a group is AFFILIATED or NON-AFFILIATED.


To be AFFILIATED, a group must use Southfield Centre on at least 10 occasions per year; there is an annual affiliation fee of £50. As well as enjoying lower room hire charges, affiliation entitles user groups to voting rights at Management Committee meetings.


Affiliation is also conditional on the group being represented at a minimum of three Management Committee meetings per year.




AFFILIATED USERS                     £6.00 per hour for adult groups

                                                 £4.00 per hour for youth groups


NON-AFFILIATED USERS            £8.00 per hour for adult groups

                                                 £6.00 per hour for youth groups


COMMERCIAL USERS                  £10.00 per hour


These charges apply to all rooms, regardless of size.


For enquiries or bookings, contact the Caretaker (CLICK on the 'Contact Us' button at the top of this page).


The Caretaker can also supply the terms and conditions of room lets; for a summary of these, CLICK the 'Terms and Conditions' button at the side of this page.



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© David McLean