Southfield Centre News



JUNE 2024



The AGM was held on WEDNESDAY 12 JUNE 2024.


With the current uncertainty over the future of Live Borders and the awaited publication of SBC's report into community centres and other council-owned buildings, it was decided that a provisional development plan for the coming year would be adopted for the time being.





Shortly before the AGM, SBC once again intimated that it would be looking at public wifi in community centres. If progress in this matter fails to materialise, the centre will make its own efforts to improve wifi provision.




The possibility of providing digital projection facilities in one or more rooms at the centre will be investigated, mainly to enhance the experience of user groups but also to make the centre more attractive as a venue for training events.




Around eight years have passed since the external window frames were last painted. To avoid the kind of deterioration which has happened in the past, costings will be done on having them painted again, perhaps as a two-year project.




Annual AFFILIATION FEES and ROOM HIRE CHARGES at the centre will remain at the same levels as in the past year - click on the 'Charges' button at the top of this page.









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© David McLean